
You are unique – not just one of 12 Sun Signs

myAstro is a kind of astrotherapy - combining astrology with psychology - that provides context to better understand both the opportunities and difficult times in your life. We provide practical and psychological guidance to help you to make the most out of all your phases and relationships. Add unlimited profiles to your account to enhance your relationships.

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Opportunities, Challenges and Actions Transit Report worth $10 FREE.

Best Days for You

This area offers one of the most valuable tools astrology provides – timing! Here the best days (and days to avoid) for a selected activity are calculated using our proprietary techniques and your individual birth data, unique to you. The “Timing for me” section is dedicated to help you find the best (auspicious) days and also days to avoid for popular activities, from the most pressing to the most pleasurable. Planning your chosen activity around these dates will give you a higher probability of an outcome you desire or an outcome in your favor. We also present days to avoid so that you can plan to refrain from certain activities on certain days.

(Some astrologers charge as much as $100.00 to find just one auspicious day. The reason people are willing to pay up to $100.00 per date is because they see the value of good timing. For the first time in the history of astrology and the Internet, we are providing these services for everyone, free of charge)

For premium members we have an alert service that can send you alerts 1 week or 2 weeks in advance so that you can plan ahead.

Sample Best Days for Angelina Jolie:

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