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Mircea Nedelciu

Astrology Data, Zodiac Sign, Natal Birth Chart, Kundli, and Horoscope

Mircea Nedelciu

Birth Name:

Mircea Nedelciu


Birth Date:

Sun, Nov 12, 1950

Time of Birth:

Unknown (using Noon)

Place of Birth:

Oraş Fundulea, Călăraşi, Romania



Zodiac Sign:


Astrology Data:




About Mircea Nedelciu

Mircea Nedelciu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmirt͡ʃe̯a neˈdelt͡ʃju]; November 12, 1950 – July 12, 1999) was a Romanian short-story writer, novelist, essayist and literary critic, one of the leading exponents of the Optzecişti generation in Romanian letters. The author of experimental prose, mixing elements of conventional narratives with autofiction, textuality, intertextuality and, in some cases, fantasy, he placed his work at the meeting point between Postmodernism and a minimalist form of Neorealism. This approach is illustrated by his volumes of stories and his novels Zmeura de cîmpie ("Raspberry of the Field"), Tratament fabulatoriu ("Confambulatory Treatment"), and by Femeia în roşu ("The Woman in Red"), a collaborative fiction piece written together with Adriana Babeţi and Mircea Mihăieş.

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Birth Chart and Planetary Positions of Mircea Nedelciu

Astrological portrait of Mircea Nedelciu

Here you will read about qualities of Mircea Nedelciu that may be familiar to you as well as a few that might seem new. Together the various features listed below, comprise an astrological portrait of Mircea Nedelciu as a unique person

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Current important phases/events in Mircea Nedelciu’s life

Mircea Nedelciu's relationships

Astrological aspects and planetary data / tags for Mircea Nedelciu: Sun 19 Scorpio, Moon 24 Sagittarius, Mercury 25 Scorpio, Venus 19 Scorpio, Mars 4 Capricorn, Jupiter 28 Aquarius, Saturn 29 Virgo, Uranus 9 Cancer, Neptune 18 Libra, Pluto 19 Leo, Sun Conjunct Venus, Sun Square Pluto, Mercury Conjunct Venus, Sun Conjunct Mercury, Mercury Sextile Saturn, Sun Semi Square Mars, Sun Semi Sextile Neptune, Mercury Square Jupiter, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Uranus, Venus Semi Square Mars, Venus Semi Sextile Neptune, Venus Square Pluto, Mars Opposition Uranus, Mars Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Jupiter Quincunx Saturn, Neptune Sextile Pluto

Categories related to Mircea Nedelciu: 1950 births, Male essayists, November 12 births, 20th-century short story writers, Deaths from lymphoma, 20th-century essayists, 1999 deaths, Burials at Bellu, Romanian essayists, Romanian literary critics, Romanian male novelists, Romanian male short story writers, Romanian short story writers, Minimalist writers, Romanian historical novelists, Romanian fantasy writers, Romanian erotica writers, Romanian humorists, Romanian memoirists, Romanian science fiction writers, Romanian book publishers (people), Romanian librarians, Romanian magazine editors, Censorship in Romania, People from Fundulea, University of Bucharest alumni, Romanian prisoners and detainees, Romanian people with disabilities, Deaths from cancer in Romania, 20th-century Romanian novelists, 20th-century Romanian male writers, 20th-century memoirists

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